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Fig. 3 | Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics

Fig. 3

From: The mutual patterning between the developing nephron and its covering tissues—valid reasons to rethink the search for traces left by impaired nephrogenesis

Fig. 3

Graphical sketches illustrate key developmental points of a nephron in the fetal human kidney during late gestation. a Besides the mesenchymal progenitor cells, also the medial aspect of the pretubular aggregate (PTA) is separated from the tip and head of a CD ampulla by a clear interface (black asterisk). b During the mesenchymal to epithelial transition and c the subsequent appearance of the primitive renal vesicle (RV) a close adhesion (white asterisk) is noticed at the section border between the head and conus of the CD ampulla. Following this, the medial part of the distal pole (DP) at a primitive renal vesicle (RV) starts to separate from the pretubular aggregate. d The lateral part of the distal pole at the mature renal vesicle stays connected with the pretubular aggregate via a progenitor cell strand (white arrow head). In the e extending and f extended renal vesicles the elongation of the tubule anlage (TA) provokes the formation of an inner fold (big black/white point). An interstitial cleft (white/black arrows) elongates between the CD ampulla and the medial aspect of the renal vesicles. Interestingly, between the future connecting tubule (CNT) and the progenitor cell strand connecting the renal vesicle with the pretubular aggregate also an interstitial cleft extends. g During formation of the early comma-shaped body, the progenitor cell strand connected with the PTA dissolves, enabling the lateral fold (small black/white point) to become visible. h In the mid comma-shaped body, a vertical interstitial cleft expands between the tubule anlage and the future glomerulus. i In the late comma-shaped body, this changes direction from vertical to transverse. In the j early, k mid, and l late S-shaped bodies the glomerulus anlage remains positioned at the proximal pole (PP), while the distal pole is near the CNT, forming a contact with the border between the head and conus of the CD ampulla. A vertical interstitial cleft elongates between the conus of the CD ampulla and the medial aspect of the S-shaped body. At the lateral aspect, the opening of the transverse interstitial cleft between the tubule and glomerulus anlage is positioned near a perforating radiate artery (PRA, short black arrow). Renal capsule (C), collecting duct (CD) tubule, CD ampulla (A), and lumen of the arising nephron + 

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