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Table 1 Clinical summary of twelve patients with autoimmune cytopenia following stem cell transplantation who received therapy with daratumumab

From: Daratumumab therapy for post-HSCT immune-mediated cytopenia: experiences from two pediatric cases and review of literature

  1. Abbreviations: AIC Immune-mediated cytopenia (allo- or autoimmune cytopenia), AIHA Allo- or autoimmune hemolytic anaemia, AIT Allo- oder autoimmune thrombocytopenia, CD40L CD40 ligand, also called CD154, d Day, HLA Human leukocyte antigen, HR-MDS High risk myelodysplastic syndrome, HSCT Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, IVIG i.v. immunoglobulin G, LRBA Lipopolysaccharide-responsive and beige-like anchor protein, m Month, MDS-RAEB-2 Myelodysplastic syndrome – refractory anemia with blast excess 2 (in transformation), n.a. Not available, n.e.r. No erythrocyte recovery, PBSC Peripheral blood stem cells, PRCA Pure red cell aplasia, FD Family donor, SAA Severe aplastic anemia, UD Unrelated donor, XLT/WAS X-linked thrombocytopenia / Wiskott Aldrich syndrome, y Year
  2. *Donor type: matched unrelated donor (MUD) or matched family donor (MFD). HLA match was indicated where available, e.g. 10/10. If not further specified by the authors marked with n.a
  3. **94% donor leukocytes with a 57% T-cell subset
  4. ***Granulocytes 92-100%, T-cells 6-48%
  5. $VPS45 protein deficiency
  6. $$no information on simultaneous therapies
  7. $$$ response as defined by the authors
  8. A) alemtuzumab, ibrutinib, Cy, ATG (alemtuzumab not concomitant) B) vincristine, splenectomy, danazol (just danazol concomintant)